Customer Testimonials

So, why should you choose ThunderDog Delivery for your courier services?

“Thunderdog Delivery has been absolutely amazing! We truly appreciate our partnership with them and is our go to delivery company!"
From all of us at
The Seattle Seahawks
“We started using Thunderdog Delivery to pick up our outgoing mail everyday after our old courier became unreliable. We have been using Thunderdog since September of 2018. Thunderdog shows up everyday right on time. I work for a big organization that sends out a lot of confidential and time sensitive mail. I would recommend Thunderdog Delivery to anyone. I am happy to say that Thunderdog is the official courier of the Seattle Mariners."
R.J. Sanchez
Manger of Shipping and Receiving for the Seattle Mariners
“We can’t say enough great things about Thunderdog! They’re fast, responsive and reliable. They always help us whether we’ve planned ahead or reached out at the very last minute. We couldn’t manage our day to day requirements without them! We work for a company that requires large and small pickups and deliveries. No job has been too big or small! They’re not just a vendor to us, but a partner. We would recommend them to anyone. 5 stars every day!"
Danielle Kimmel
“My company had an internal error and therefore a necessary document was not delivered. Thankfully Thunderdog came to our rescue. The staff were very friendly on the phone and our pickup and delivery was smooth and completed same day I made the order. Thanks for the help!"
Stacy Soderstrom
“Super friendly and professional service! Ian and Dave are always eager to help, even under tight timelines. Communication is great and if there ever is a problem, they are quick to address, keeping all parties satisfied."
Blair Thomas
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